Example #3 Asynchronous Safety Training
The learning objective for this module is to train the employees on how to safely operate the pieces of heavy machinery on the plant floor. Since the training has to be accessible to the entire staff, regardless of their shift, asynchronous training with the use of an Web 2.0 tool like Matrix, formerly edu2.0.org from this weeks resources. The Matrix (LMS) will serve as a way to receive presentations, resources, assessments, and scores. Once the learner is given the username and passcodes they are free to move about the training course on safety.
The beginning for the model would be titled The Introduction: Safety, what does it look like when operating the pieces of heavy machinery.The introduction would inform and question the learner during instruction whether or not if their current technique was safe. I would also include the information on what the state standards for safety were. There would be a link under the web resources, on the Matrix (LMS) that sends the employee to the states website on safety guidelines. It would also have a link for the Poison and Control Centers. On the Survey section under Assessments I would give the employees a quick 3 question survey. This would be another way to understand the barriers from safety in the plant and allow guidance for future instruction or evaluation. I would ask is my current procedure safe enough, what concerns are there currently about safety conditions, and what would they like to improve on for their safety techniques they currently practice.
The next module would be titled Module #2: The Safety Zones. The goal of this module is to inform the learner of the areas that are assigned in the plant and can find safety supplies.There will be pictures and maps showing the Safety zone areas mentioned with the use of media graphics. In the resources area of the module, there will also be quick 4-5 minute movie content on the Safety Process showing employees practicing these techniques. The movie will consist with the Segmenting Principle instruction that shows employees displaying the safety precautions, then pauses with audio that verbalizes and highlights what was seen in the movie. In the Matrix (LMS), the employees also have a choice in whether to use the course wiki, blog, discussion board or chat to discuss and get feedback from their coworkers on their thoughts of the areas that they considered to be safety zones or what areas they think should not be considered as safety zones
Then the third module would be titled Displaying Safety Procedures. This module would include the present actual workers practicing the safety procedures that were displayed in the module #2 short film. As a way to keep employees engaged in the training process, per the management, and demonstrating the safety techniques that were covered in this training. This module would include information on how to obtain free giftcards for practicing safety in a "Show Safety" campaign at the plant. The winner of the $50 giftcards show level one safety practices, then level 2 practices get $100 gift cards and so on. The winners would be awarded at the once a month Shift meetings held in the break room, with the winners picture on the employee info wall. Also for each module that is taken and completed by an employee by the due date will be entered in the drawing for a $500 giftcard. Hopefully this works!