My Blog List

Monday, April 21, 2014

Looking Back Over the Course

Now that I have a deeper understanding of the different learning theories and learning styles, MY view on how I learn has changed quite a bit. Before I thought that I was a traditional learner that could adapt to taking the notes and listening to the lecture, type of learner. I have realized that I am a visual learner that does better with seeing the vision of information that I am trying to retain. I also believe in the role of evoking my other interests such as Music, Media, and past experiences when learning. I also think that with today’s technology visual learners, such as myself have a better chance for learning more.
What I have learned about the various learning theories and learning styles over the past weeks that can further explain my own personal learning preferences is that I am a believer in the Constructivist theory about learning. I believe that my learning has come from the Social Culture that I have been introduced to since childhood, which consists also of a music influence. I also have come to believe that people can relate and react to situations that are relative to their experiences in life. I plan on drawing from peoples experiences in life to engage them in learning.
The role that technology plays in my learning is a big one. Anytime I search for information it is with the internet using the Google or Bing search engines as a way to search for the most current information. If I need to create a presentation it is done with a power point presentation using online visual resources. After learning about the Mobile, Geo, and personal web tools I see myself integrating them more into my present instruction and later into my instructional design career.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Connectivism- Mind map Reflection
First there is I use this site to post
information for my classwork. Second there is which is from the Walden University Writing Center, which gives updates and information about writing techniques, upcoming webcasts, and seminars. Next there is Learning Solutions Magazine via bounce. This helps me to learn about the topics and resources that Instructional Designer professionals use. Then there is MasteryConnect Learning Community which is used for teachers who are mostly “sharing and discovering common formative assessments, tracking mastery of state and
Common Core standards, and engaging with like-minded teachers in the community.”
Last there is I use this website that shows the Instructional Design and Training positions in my area. I use this to see what companies are looking for when they hire.

The network has changed the way that I learn by giving me a broader atmosphere for obtaining information. I have more views and perspectives on what’s going on in the world. The digital tools that best facilitate learning for me are the MasteryConnect Learning Community and LearningSolutionsMagazine@elearningguild.  MasteryConnect Learning Community  helps in me in my current profession. LearningSolutionsMagazine@elearningguild helps me learn more information about the profession that I hope to enter soon.  I gain new knowledge when I have questions by looking through these sites. I try to look through the blogs that are offered and if the questions aren’t answered, then I use the search site on a particular page.  The ways my personal learning network support the central tenets of connectivism are by using all of my resources as a network to feed my learning concerns. The blogs by Instructional designers feeds my social curiosity for how they interact in workshops, conventions, and private sector settings. The technical learning knowledge that I gain is from the display of new products that are being introduced in both the Common Core standards and the demonstration e-learning products by trainers.
